Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Fun in Paris

Here is some of the cool stuff you can do around Paris.
Near the Louvre is a large pool of water. Kids can rent these miniature sailboats that they can push out and watch the wind carry them across to the other side. It was especially cool when two boats would crash into each other!

If you can't read the sign: in Paris gas is 1.589 euros/liter which comes out to about $8/gal so stop complaining.

Every year Paris has a music festival where there are large concerts in places like the Eiffel Tower, but all around the city at various street corners smaller bands would be playing and people would stand around and sing or dance. It was pretty cool. This band specialized in such French classics like "Sweet Home Alabama."
I mean it's not a vacation if you don't eat McDonald's!

These are the coolest port-a-potties on the planet. The doors are machine operated. You press the button to go in and press the handle to come out. If you don't come out in 15 minutes the doors open automatically. And the coolest part, when the door closes after you leave, it isn't just the toilet that flushes, the whole room does!

This was right next to the band in the picture above. Some of us guys were more into this than the singing. I mean it is incredibly breath-taking to see such a sweet ride just sitting there on a random corner unattended. Some of us even discussed stealing it, but we didn't think that would be a good idea on a missions trip. But I think one thing we can all agree on, it is one sweet bike.

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